Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Intake Extension - Part 1

Many of you have probably seen where the two intake pipes disappear into the Lake. You may also know that they only go out into the Lake maybe 30 feet and probably aren't even that deep. This explains why we get so much silt in the filters, especially in the spring.

Current standards require intakes to be at least 100 feet deep and we have a project underway this spring to extend our intakes to conform with that standard.

Pipe has been ordered, we're arranging for a small barge to be available to work on and we've been coordinating with a local diver to have the work done, hopefully before the spring runoff really gets underway.

As usual, we will likely need a small group of volunteers to help out in various ways. We may also need access to a couple of small boats to pull the floating pipe from Mirror Lake to our intake location and to assist when the divers are working. Please let your Water Board know if you might be able to help.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Water Conservation becomes news in the West Kootenays

CBC News played a brief interview this morning with the mayor of Castlegar. That city has committed to a completion of a water meter installation project within 5 years. The mayor's comments were related to general water conservation, the cost of treatment and how reducing water use would save the community lots of money.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Mini Fire Interface Project

Thanks to Bill, Gord, Bill and Dave for spending the morning cleaning up the brush and fire hazard around the Treatment building. This is the second year this area has received some work and the situation is starting to look much better.