Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another Year Passes

The New Year has arrived, and besides the usual end-of-year hype, the date marks our first full year with water meters, consumption-based water rates and our new billing system. One of the most noticeable things is the big variation in water use between households. Not that this has been any surprise, but it reinforces the importance of households paying for what they use, just as we do for other commodities and services. Households using less are paying less. Households using more water are paying more. It's much more fair to everyone and also provides an incentive to be more aware of how much water we are using.

The time and money invested in system repairs over the past year indicate once again the costs of keeping our water system running safely and efficiently. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the system: Board members, maintenance team members, water team members; by fixing things, taking water samples, cleaning filters, making decisions about system operations, monitoring water levels, and so on.

Happy New Year.